Let's Talk

Trusted Content in High Demand and How to Deliver

April 4, 2019
woman sitting at booth with coffee looking at her phone

Taking on Trusted Content

With a world full of media and so many tools that allow almost anyone to be a content creator, it can be hard to tell which media is trustworthy and which is not.

Steps Taken By Google and Facebook

If you are wary as to whether untrustworthy content is an issue in media today, consider a few numbers from two of the most popular content platforms in the world: Google/YouTube and Facebook.

According to AdWeek, Google (which owns YouTube) and Facebook have been implementing more secure content initiatives to crackdown on less than trustworthy content. While this cannot be easy, the recent numbers alone show just how serious of an issue this is. In quarter four of 2017, Google removed 8 million videos off of YouTube and de-monetized 2 million more videos throughout 2017. To keep up this trend and continue prioritizing trustworthy content, Google’s goal for 2018 was to add 10 thousand content moderators.

Across All Content Mediums

While content publishers may not be as concerned with videos, they are not the only type of media that has needed almost-constant attention to remove less secure or trusted content.

Facebook has been regulating both accounts and content shared on its platform. In just the first quarter of 2018, Facebook removed 583 million accounts that were found to be fake, removed 21 million pieces of lewd content, and removed 6 million pieces of either violent content or hate speech. These numbers alone speak for themselves, but Facebook adding 7,500 new content moderators also speaks to how serious this issue is.

With some of the largest social media platforms and content providers working overtime to regulate and remove untrustworthy content, this creates a high standard for other media publishers. This high standard allows millions of Facebook and Google users to expect trusted content to always be delivered to them safely and seamlessly.

How Can Publishers Keep Up With This High Standard?

Companies like eMagazines make it easier to do so. eMagazines offers a mode of digital content delivery that is not only secure but also easy to use and preserves the high quality of content within. Delivered directly to their inbox, but with no sign-in required, users who read your content through eMagazines’ digital offerings will never doubt whether they are consuming trustworthy media.

Partnering with a company like eMagazines ensures your already great content continues to meet the demands of current consumers: high quality, trustworthy, and secure.

Perkins, K. (2018). AdweekAdweek. Retrieved from https://www.adweek.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/internet-trends-report-2018-99-1024-890×660.jpg